Friday, December 3, 2010



My tag line would be 'Locomotive behind locomotive.'

But is it all about the chase ? It's more than that. Let me express the way I visualize it.

But first things first. What made me glue my attention to 'Unstoppable.' I must say the advertising but seems it only got to me and none else and therefore am the only audience talking about it, but i thoroughly enjoyed the ride.

It's been more than 24 hours I saw the movie, but it was on my mind over the last weekend and the download was already on.

The first looks were that of a giant size locomotive in the train yard thinking (me) what could be more powerful and devastating than those ton size vehicles despite moving at the pace of a tortoise. The view of still vehicle was a sight to watch.

You could compare the surroundings to that of an aerodrome and could see how much a varying difference existed in the working lives of a pilot or an engine driver. None worked any less (hours of work) nor was the risk any less comparable, cause both carried behind them lives which could be at stake if anything went wrong. The thought scared me for a moment, since if a cab/bus/truck/auto driver thought the same, they would have never come to this job...cause gawd knows whose live could be at stake. More people die on road than in why would someone eye not flying in air than on road (here locomotives included).

But that was just one part of it. Ran together the story of people mastering the locomotive and the efforts to stop it. Behind those efforts were the stakes of the train co. which would seek organisational benefit or avoid any loss first, just like a profit earning body seeks it's interest (at the lives of others). Calculations made and decisions done in the boardroom, while the efforts of those 2 men along with several others are on. Now this becomes more than a chase...a chase to 'Bring down the Bitch...this is your conductor speaking as says the young guy'

Simply Social Network

Quick fingers on the keyboard, so are mine at the moment, breaking the transcript and stealing the pictures, was a fantastic idea. The thought of hacking has always been interesting with the programming touch makes it so very interesting.

But is hacking all that makes the story so very interesting, nah, I just saw those girls, and idea all began from comparing pictures of two of them and checking whose the hottest. That's what I am getting more and more confident of what is attracing the eyeballs to this movie, but not exactly, it was just a part of it. If the movie is such a big hit, as I heard it's rated to be, it's all about how the idea of how quick can one turn BIG (billionarie, here) and not to miss, what apirations can let you into. As the tage line says ''You dont get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies" add on, "...making a few enemies out of friends."

if you like girls, have an 'enterpreneurial skill', wanan have lots of friends and may end up with a few enemies, you would like Social Netowrk.

At the end of the movie, I am beginning to hate Mark Z and the story finally tells what money/aspiration to grow could do to you, you lose on relationships, the Social Network is lost you are cut off.